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nmTeam Website 隐私政策

发布日期:2021 年 6 月 19 日
修改日期:2022 年 3 月 3 日
生效日期:2022 年 3 月 3 日


nmTeam Website 及下属服务重视用户的隐私,隐私权是您重要的权利。您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能会收集和使用您的相关信息。我们希望通过本《隐私政策》向您说明,在使用我们的服务时,我们如何收集、使用、储存和分享这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、控制和保护这些信息的方式。本《隐私政策》与您所使用的 nmTeam Website 及下属服务服务息息相关,希望您仔细阅读,在需要时,按照本《隐私政策》的指引,作出您认为适当的选择。本《隐私政策》中涉及的相关技术词汇,我们尽量以简明扼要的表述,并提供进一步说明的链接,以便您的理解。 您使用或继续使用我们的服务,即意味着同意我们按照本《隐私政策》收集、使用、储存和分享您的相关信息。 如对本《隐私政策》或相关事宜有任何问题,请通过邮箱与我们联系。




您在注册账户或使用我们的服务时,向我们提供的相关个人信息,例如电话号码、电子邮件或银行卡号等; 您通过我们的服务向其他方提供的共享信息,以及您使用我们的服务时所储存的信息。




您使用服务时我们可能收集如下信息: 日志信息,指您使用我们的服务时,系统可能通过 cookies、web beacon 或其他方式自动采集的技术信息,包括:设备或软件信息,例如您的移动设备、网页浏览器或用于接入我们服务的其他程序所提供的配置信息、您的IP地址和移动设备所用的版本和设备识别码; 在使用我们服务时搜索或浏览的信息,例如您使用的网页搜索词语、访问的社交媒体页url地址,以及您在使用我们服务时浏览或要求提供的其他信息和内容详情;有关您曾使用的移动应用(APP)和其他软件的信息,以及您曾经使用该等移动应用和软件的信息; 您通过我们的服务进行通讯的信息,例如曾通讯的账号,以及通讯时间、数据和时长; 位置信息,指您开启设备定位功能并使用我们基于位置提供的相关服务时,收集的有关您位置的信息,包括:
  • 您通过具有定位功能的移动设备使用我们的服务时,通过 GPS 或 WiFi 等方式收集的您的地理位置信息;
  • 您或其他用户提供的包含您所处地理位置的实时信息,例如您提供的账户信息中包含的您所在地区信息,您或其他人上传的显示您当前或曾经所处地理位置的共享信息,您或其他人共享的照片包含的地理标记信息; 您可以通过关闭定位功能,停止对您的地理位置信息的收集。


  • 向您提供服务;
  • 在我们提供服务时,用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、存档和备份用途,确保我们向您提供的产品和服务的安全性;
  • 帮助我们设计新服务,改善我们现有服务;使我们更加了解您如何接入和使用我们的服务,从而针对性地回应您的个性化需求,例如语言设定、 位置设定、个性化的帮助服务和指示,或对您和其他用户作出其他方面的回应;
  • 向您提供与您更加相关的广告以替代普遍投放的广告;评估我们服务中的广告和其他促销及推广活动的效果,并加以改善;软件认证或管理软件升级;让您参与有关我们产品和服务的调查。
  • 为了让您有更好的体验、改善我们的服务或您同意的其他用途,在符合相关法律法规的前提下,我们可能将通过某一项服务所收集的信息,以汇集信息或者个性化的方式,用于我们的其他服务。例如,在您使用我们的一项服务时所收集的信息,可能在另一服务中用于向您提供特定内容,或向您展示与您相关的、非普遍推送的信息。如果我们在相关服务中提供了相应选项,您也可以授权我们将该服务所提供和储存的信息用于我们的其他服务。




    除以下情形外,未经您同意,我们以及我们的关联公司不会与任何第三方分享您的个人信息。 我们以及我们的关联公司,可能将您的个人信息与我们的关联公司、合作伙伴及第三方服务供应商、承包商及代理(例如代表我们发出电子邮件或推送通知的通讯服务提供商、为我们提供位置数据的地图服务供应商)分享(他们可能并非位于您所在的法域),用作下列用途:
  • 向您提供我们的服务;
  • 实现“我们可能如何使用信息”部分所述目的;
  • 履行我们在《nmTeam Website 及下属服务网络服务使用协议》或本《隐私政策》中的义务和行使我们的权利;
  • 理解、维护和改善我们的服务。
  • 如我们或我们的关联公司与任何上述第三方分享您的个人信息,我们将努力确保该等第三方在使用您的个人信息时遵守本《隐私政策》及我们要求其遵守的其他适当的保密和安全措施。 随着我们业务的持续发展,我们以及我们的关联公司有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易,您的个人信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移。我们将在转移前通知您。 我们或我们的关联公司还可能为以下需要而保留、保存或披露您的个人信息:
  • 遵守适用的法律法规;
  • 遵守法院命令或其他法律程序的规定;
  • 遵守相关政府机关的要求。
  • 为遵守适用的法律法规、维护社会公共利益,或保护我们的客户、我们或我们的集团公司、其他用户或雇员的人身和财产安全或合法权益所合理必需的用途。
  • 信息安全

    我们仅在本《隐私政策》所述目的所必需的期间和法律法规要求的时限内保留您的个人信息。 我们使用各种安全技术和程序,以防信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权阅览或披露。例如,在某些服务中,我们将利用加密技术(例如SSL)来保护您提供的个人信息。但请您理解,由于技术的限制以及可能存在的各种恶意手段,在互联网行业,即便竭尽所能加强安全措施,也不可能始终保证信息百分之百的安全。您需要了解,您接入我们的服务所用的系统和通讯网络,有可能因我们可控范围外的因素而出现问题。


    我们的多项服务,可让您不仅与自己的社交网络,也与使用该服务的所有用户公开分享您的相关信息,例如,您在我们的服务中所上传或发布的信息(包括您公开的个人信息、您建立的名单)、您对其他人上传或发布的信息作出的回应,以及包括与这些信息有关的位置数据和日志信息。使用我们服务的其他用户也有可能分享与您有关的信息(包括位置数据和日志信息)。特别是,我们的社交媒体服务,是专为使您与世界各地的用户共享信息而设计,您可以使共享信息实时、广泛地传递。只要您不删除共享信息,有关信息会一直留存在公共领域;即使您删除共享信息,有关信息仍可能由其他用户或不受我们控制的非关联第三方独立地缓存、复制或储存,或由其他用户或该等第三方在公共领域保存。 因此,请您谨慎考虑通过我们的服务上传、发布和交流的信息内容。在一些情况下,您可通过我们某些服务的隐私设定来控制有权浏览您共享信息的用户范围。如要求从我们的服务中删除您的相关信息,请通过该等特别服务条款提供的方式操作。


    某些个人信息因其特殊性可能被认为是敏感个人信息,例如您的种族、宗教、个人健康和医疗信息等。相比其他个人信息,敏感个人信息受到更加严格的保护。 请注意,您在使用我们的服务时所提供、上传或发布的内容和信息(例如有关您社交活动的照片等信息),可能会泄露您的敏感个人信息。您需要谨慎地考虑,是否在使用我们的服务时披露相关敏感个人信息。 您同意按本《隐私政策》所述的目的和方式来处理您的敏感个人信息。


    我们或我们的第三方合作伙伴,可能通过 cookies 和 web beacon 收集和使用您的信息,并将该等信息储存为日志信息。 我们使用自己的 cookies 和 web beacon,目的是为您提供更个性化的用户体验和服务,并用于以下用途:
  • 记住您的身份。例如:cookies 和 web beacon 有助于我们辨认您作为我们的注册用户的身份,或保存您向我们提供的有关您的喜好或其他信息;
  • 分析您使用我们服务的情况。例如,我们可利用 cookies 和 web beacon 来了解您使用我们的服务进行什么活动,或哪些网页或服务最受您的欢迎;
  • 广告优化。 cookies 和 web beacon 有助于我们根据您的信息,向您提供与您相关的广告而非进行普遍的广告投放。请注意,我们的 Google Adsense 广告不在这个范围内。
  • 我们为上述目的使用 cookies 和 web beacon 的同时,可能将通过 cookies 和 web beacon 收集的非个人身份信息,经统计加工后提供给广告商或其他合作伙伴,用于分析用户如何使用我们的服务,并用于广告服务。 我们的产品和服务上可能会有广告商或其他合作方放置的 cookies 和 web beacon 。这些 cookies 和 web beacon 可能会收集与您相关的非个人身份信息,以用于分析用户如何使用该等服务、向您发送您可能感兴趣的广告,或用于评估广告服务的效果。这些第三方 cookies 和 web beacon 收集和使用该等信息,不受本《隐私政策》约束,而是受相关使用者的隐私政策约束,我们不对第三方的 cookies 或 web beacon 承担责任。 您可以通过浏览器设置拒绝或管理 cookies 或 web beacon。但请注意,如果停用 cookies或 web beacon,您有可能无法享受最佳的服务体验,某些服务也可能无法正常使用。同时,您还会收到同样数量的广告,但这些广告与您的相关性会降低。







    除某些特定服务外,我们所有的服务均适用本《隐私政策》。这些特定服务将适用特定的隐私政策。针对某些特定服务的特定隐私政策,将更具体地说明我们在该等服务中如何使用您的信息。该特定服务的隐私政策构成本《隐私政策》的一部分。如相关特定服务的隐私政策与本《隐私政策》有不一致之处,适用该特定服务的隐私政策。 除本《隐私政策》另有规定外,本《隐私条款》所用词语将与《nmTeam Website 网络服务使用协议》所定义的词语具有相同的涵义。 请您注意,本《隐私政策》不适用于以下情况:
  • 通过我们的服务而接入的第三方服务(包括任何第三方网站)收集的信息;
  • 通过在我们服务中进行广告服务的其他公司或机构所收集的信息。
  • 变更



    nmTeam Website And its affiliated services value the privacy of users, and privacy is your important right. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to use this "Privacy Policy" to explain to you how we collect, use, store and share this information when using our services, as well as the ways we can provide you with access, update, control and protection of this information. This "Privacy Policy" and what you use nmTeam Website It is closely related to the subordinate services. I hope you will read it carefully, and if necessary, follow the guidelines of this "Privacy Policy" to make the choices you think are appropriate. We try to express the relevant technical vocabulary in this "Privacy Policy" in a concise and concise manner, and provide links to further explanations for your understanding. Your use or continued use of our services means that you agree to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your relevant information in accordance with this "Privacy Policy". If you have any questions about this "Privacy Policy" or related matters, please contact us via email.

    Information we may collect

    When we provide services, we may collect, store and use the following information about you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy some of the services we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the intended effects of the relevant services.

    Information you provide

    When you register for an account or use our services, you provide us with relevant personal information, such as phone numbers, emails, or bank card numbers; The shared information you provide to other parties through our services, and the information stored when you use our services.

    Your information shared by other parties

    Shared information about you provided by other parties when using our services.

    Your information we have obtained

    When you use the service, we may collect the following information: Log information refers to when you use our services, the system may use cookies, web Technical information automatically collected by beacon or other methods, including: device or software information, such as the configuration information provided by your mobile device, web browser or other programs used to access our services, your IP address and the mobile device used Version and device identification code; Information searched or browsed when using our services, such as web search terms you use, url addresses of social media pages you visit, and other information and content details that you browse or request when you use our services; about what you have used Information about mobile applications (APP) and other software, and information about your use of such mobile applications and software; Information about your communication through our services, such as the account number you used to communicate with, as well as the communication time, data and duration; Location information refers to the information about your location collected when you turn on the device positioning function and use our location-based related services, including:
  • Your geographic location information collected through GPS or WiFi when you use our service through a mobile device with positioning function;
  • Real-time information including your geographic location provided by you or other users, such as the information about your location contained in the account information you provide, and the information uploaded by you or others showing your current or previous geographic location Shared information of, the geotag information contained in the photos shared by you or others; You can stop the collection of your geographic location information by turning off the positioning function.

    How we may use information

    We may use the information collected in the course of providing services to you for the following purposes:
  • To provide you with services;
  • When we provide services, it is used for identity verification, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the safety of the products and services we provide to you;
  • Help us design new services and improve our existing services; enable us to better understand how you access and use our services, so as to respond to your personalized needs, such as language settings and location settings , Personalized help services and instructions, or other responses to you and other users;
  • Provide you with more relevant advertisements to replace commonly placed advertisements; evaluate and improve the effects of advertisements and other promotions and promotional activities in our services; software certification or management software upgrades; allow you to participate Investigations about our products and services. In order to allow you to have a better experience, improve our services or other uses that you agree to, and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, we may collect information through a certain service in a collection of information or in a personalized way For our other services. For example, the information collected when you use one of our services may be used in another service to provide you with specific content, or to show you non-general push information related to you. If we provide the corresponding options in the relevant service, you can also authorize us to use the information provided and stored by the service for our other services.

    How do you access and control your personal information

    We will do everything possible to take appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our services. When accessing, updating, correcting and deleting the aforementioned information, we may require you to verify your identity to protect your account security.

    Information we may share

    Except for the following circumstances, we and our affiliated companies will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent. We and our affiliated companies may share your personal information with our affiliates, partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers that send emails or push notifications on our behalf, and provide us with Map service providers that provide location data) share (they may not be located in your jurisdiction) for the following purposes:
  • To provide you with our services;
  • To achieve the purpose described in the "How We May Use Information" section;
  • To perform our obligations and exercise our rights in the "NmTeam Website and Affiliated Services Network Service Use Agreement" or this "Privacy Policy";
  • Understand, maintain and improve our services. If we or our affiliated companies share your personal information with any of the above-mentioned third parties, we will work hard to ensure that these third parties comply with this "Privacy Policy" when using your personal information and other appropriate confidentiality and confidentiality that we require them to comply with. Security measures. With the continuous development of our business, we and our affiliates may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you before the transfer. We or our affiliated companies may also retain, store or disclose your personal information for the following needs:
  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Comply with court orders or other legal procedures;
  • Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies. Uses reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, safeguard the public interest, or protect the personal and property safety or legal rights of our customers, us or our group companies, other users or employees.

    Information Security

    We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this "Privacy Policy" and within the time limit required by laws and regulations. We use various security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, improper use, unauthorized viewing or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect the personal information you provide. However, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious methods that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if you do your best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information. You need to understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors outside our control.

    The information you shared

    Many of our services allow you to publicly share your relevant information not only with your own social network, but also with all users who use the service. For example, the information you upload or publish in our services (including your public Personal information, lists created by you), your response to information uploaded or posted by other people, and location data and log information related to this information. Other users who use our services may also share information about you (including location data and log information). In particular, our social media services are designed to enable you to share information with users all over the world, and you can make shared information be delivered in real time and widely. As long as you do not delete the shared information, the relevant information will remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or unaffiliated third parties not under our control, or by other The user or such third party keeps it in the public domain. Therefore, please carefully consider the content of information uploaded, published and exchanged through our services. In some cases, you can control the range of users who have the right to browse your shared information through the privacy settings of some of our services. If you request to delete your relevant information from our services, please operate through the methods provided in these special terms of service.

    The sensitive personal information you share

    Some personal information may be considered sensitive personal information due to its particularity, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information, etc. Compared with other personal information, sensitive personal information is more strictly protected. Please note that the content and information you provide, upload or publish when using our services (such as photos and other information about your social activities) may reveal your sensitive personal information. You need to carefully consider whether to disclose relevant sensitive personal information when using our services. You agree to handle your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this "Privacy Policy".

    How we may collect information

    We or our third-party partners may collect and use your information through cookies and web beacons, and store this information as log information. We use our own cookies and web beacons to provide you with a more personalized user experience and service, and for the following purposes:
  • Remember your identity. For example: cookies and web beacons help us to identify you as our registered user, or save your preferences or other information you provide to us;
  • Analyze your use of our services. For example, we can use cookies and web beacons to understand what activities you use our services for, or which web pages or services are most popular with you;
  • Advertising optimization. Cookies and web beacons help us to provide you with relevant advertisements based on your information instead of general advertising. Please note that our Google Adsense ads are not in this range. While we use cookies and web beacons for the above-mentioned purposes, we may provide non-personally identifiable information collected through cookies and web beacons to advertisers or other partners after statistical processing for analyzing how users use our services and use them together. For advertising services. There may be cookies and web beacons placed by advertisers or other partners on our products and services. These cookies and web beacon may collect non-personally identifiable information related to you for the purpose of analyzing how users use these services, sending you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or evaluating the effectiveness of advertising services. These third-party cookies and web The collection and use of such information by beacon is not restricted by this "Privacy Policy", but by the privacy policy of the relevant user. We are not responsible for third-party cookies or web beacon. You can reject or manage cookies or web beacons through your browser settings. But please note that if you disable cookies or web Beacon, you may not be able to enjoy the best service experience, and some services may not be used normally. At the same time, you will receive the same number of advertisements, but the relevance of these advertisements to you will be reduced.

    Mail and information we may send you

    Mail and information push

    When you use our services, we may use your information to send emails, news or push notifications to your device. If you do not want to receive this information, you can follow our relevant prompts and choose to unsubscribe on your device.

    Service-related announcements

    We may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary (for example, when a service is suspended due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not promotional in nature.

    The scope of the privacy policy

    Except for certain specific services, all our services are applicable to this "Privacy Policy". These specific services will be subject to specific privacy policies. Specific privacy policies for certain specific services will more specifically explain how we use your information in such services. The privacy policy of this particular service forms part of this "Privacy Policy". If there is any inconsistency between the privacy policy of the relevant specific service and this "Privacy Policy", the privacy policy of the specific service shall apply. Except as otherwise provided in this "Privacy Policy", the terms used in this "Privacy Policy" will have the same meaning as those defined in the "nmTeam Website Network Service Use Agreement". Please note that this "Privacy Policy" does not apply to the following situations:
  • Information collected by third-party services (including any third-party websites) accessed through our services;
  • Information collected by other companies or organizations that provide advertising services in our services.


    We may revise the terms of this "Privacy Policy" in due course, and such revisions form part of this "Privacy Policy". If such amendments result in a substantial reduction of your rights under this "Privacy Policy", we will notify you in a prominent position on the homepage or send you an electronic message before the amendment takes effect. Notify you by mail or by other means. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised "Privacy Policy".
  • Page updated on: 03/03/2022
    About Cookies

    nmTeam website and services use cookies to store basic visitor information and user account information.

    All cookies are managed in accordance with the nmTeam Privacy Policy.