nmTeam Service 网络服务使用协议

发布日期:2021 年 6 月 19 日
修改日期:2022 年 3 月 3 日
生效日期:2022 年 3 月 3 日

1. 通用条款

1.1 nmTeam Service 及下属服务同意按照本协议的规定及其不时发布的操作规则提供基于互联网以及移动网的相关服务(以下称“网络服务”),为获得网络服务,服务使用人(以下称“用户”)应当同意本协议的全部条款并按照页面上的提示完成全部的注册程序。用户一旦使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的相关服务,或者用户在进行注册程序过程中点击“立即注册”按钮,即表示用户完全理解并接受本协议项下的全部条款。

1.2 当用户使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务平台的各项功能时,用户应遵守 nmTeam Service 及下属服务公布的与该功能相关的指引和规则。前述所有的指引和规则,均构成本使用协议的一部分。

1.3 用户帐号和密码由用户负责保管,用户应当对以其用户帐号进行的所有活动和事件承担法律责任。

2. 服务内容

2.1 nmTeam Service 及下属服务旨在向用户展示一些优秀文章等, nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务的具体内容由 nmTeam Service 及下属服务根据实际情况提供,包括但不限于提供文章、图片、视频、链接、论坛等网络服务。

2.2 用户理解并同意, nmTeam Service 及下属服务可根据实际情况随时调整网络平台上的服务内容、服务种类及服务形式。对于因平台调整给用户或任何第三方造成的负面影响或损失, nmTeam Website 及下属服务不承担任何责任。

2.3 用户理解, nmTeam Service 及下属服务仅提供相关的网络服务,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。

3. 服务变更、中断或终止

3.1 鉴于网络服务的特殊性,用户同意 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的网络服务,就上述变更、中断或终止行为, nmTeam Service 及下属服务无需通知用户,也无需对任何用户或任何第三方承担任何责任。

3.2 用户理解, nmTeam Service 及下属服务需要定期或不定期地对提供网络服务的平台(如互联网网站、移动网络等)或相关的设备进行检修或者维护,如因此类情况而造成网络服务在合理时间内的中断, nmTeam Service 及下属服务无需为此承担任何责任,但 nmTeam Service 及下属服务应尽可能事先进行通告。

3.3 如发生下列任何一种情形, nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权随时中断或终止向特定用户提供本协议项下的网络服务而无需对该用户或任何第三方承担任何责任:

3.3.1 该用户提供的个人资料不真实;

3.3.2 该用户违反本协议或者用户违反 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的各项使用规则;

3.4 如用户注册的免费网络服务的帐号在任何连续 90 日内未实际使用,则 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权删除该帐号并停止为该用户提供相关的网络服务。

3.5 用户在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务注册的帐号昵称或个性域名如违反法律法规或国家政策的要求,或侵犯任何第三方合法权益或在先权利, nmTeam Service 及下属服务会修改该帐号昵称或个性域名,如用户不同意修改则 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权收回该帐号昵称或个性域名。

4. 使用规则

4.1 用户在申请使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务时,应向 nmTeam Service 及下属服务提供准确的个人资料。如个人资料有任何变动,用户应及时更新。

4.2 用户不应将其帐号、密码转让或出借予他人使用。如用户发现其帐号遭他人非法使用,应立即通知 nmTeam Service 及下属服务。因病毒、黑客行为或用户的保管疏忽导致帐号、密码遭他人非法使用, nmTeam Service 及下属服务不承担任何责任。

4.3 用户同意 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权在提供网络服务过程中以各种方式投放商业性广告或其他任何类型的商业信息(包括但不限于在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网站的任何页面上投放广告)。

4.4 nmTeam Service 及下属服务鼓励用户充分利用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务平台张贴并共享自己的信息。用户可以张贴从 nmTeam Service 及下属服务个人主页或其他网站复制的图片、文字等内容,但这些内容必须位于公共领域内,或者用户自身拥有这些内容的合法使用权。用户对自己向 nmTeam Service 及下属服务平台上载、展示或传播的内容承担全部法律责任。未经版权人许可,用户不得在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务平台上张贴任何受版权保护的内容。用户对于其创作并在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务上发布的合法内容依法享有著作权及相关权利。

4.5 对于用户上传到 nmTeam Service 及下属服务平台上的任何内容,用户授予 nmTeam Service 及下属服务在全世界范围内具有免费的、永久的、不可撤销的、非独家的许可以及再许可的权利,以使用、复制、修改、改编、出版、翻译、据以创作衍生作品、传播、表演和展示此等内容(整体或部分),和/或将此等内容编入当前已知的或以后开发的其他任何形式的作品、媒体或技术中。任何其他用户或网站需要转载该作品的,必须征得原文作者授权。

4.6 用户了解 nmTeam Service 及下属服务上的信息可能存在风险和瑕疵。

4.7 用户在使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务过程中,必须遵循以下原则:

4.7.1 遵守中国有关的法律和法规;

4.7.2 遵守所有与网络服务有关的网络协议、规定和程序;

4.7.3 不得为任何非法目的而使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务;

4.7.4 不得以任何形式使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务侵犯任何人的商业利益,包括但不限于发布非经 nmTeam Service 及下属服务许可的商业广告;

4.7.5 不得利用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务进行任何可能对互联网或移动网正常运转造成不利影响的行为;

4.7.6 不得利用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务提供的网络服务上传、展示或传播任何虚假的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、庸俗淫秽、暴力的或其他任何违反国家法律法规规定的信息资料;

4.7.7 不得侵犯其他任何第三方的专利权、著作权、商标权、名誉权、隐私权或其他任何合法权益;

4.7.8 不得利用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务系统进行任何不利于 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的行为;

4.7.9 在任何情况下,用户上传到 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的任何信息,不得违反法律法规的规定,或侵犯任何第三方的在先权利或其他合法权益。

4.8 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权对用户使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务的情况进行审查和监督(包括但不限于对用户存储在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的内容进行审核),如用户在使用网络服务时违反任何上述规定, nmTeam Service 及下属服务或其授权的人有权要求用户改正或直接采取一切必要的措施(包括但不限于更改或删除用户张贴的内容、暂停或终止用户使用网络服务的权利),以减轻用户的不当行为造成的影响。

4.9 nmTeam Service 及下属服务针对某些特定的 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务的使用通过各种方式(包括但不限于网页公告、站内信、电子邮件、短信提醒等)做出的任何声明、通知、警示等内容视为本协议的一部分,用户如使用该等 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务,视为用户同意该等声明、通知、警示的内容。

5. 知识产权

5.1 nmTeam Service 及下属服务提供的网络服务中包含的任何文本、图片、图形、音频和/或视频资料,均受版权、商标和/或其它财产所有权法律的保护。未经相关权利人同意,上述资料均不得在任何媒体直接或间接发布、播放、出于播放或发布目的而改写或再发行,或者被用于其他任何商业目的。所有这些资料或资料的任何部分仅可作为私人和非商业用途而保存在某台计算机内。 nmTeam Service 及下属服务不就由上述资料产生或在传送或递交全部或部分上述资料过程中产生的延误、不准确、错误和遗漏或由此产生的任何损失,向用户或者任何第三方承担责任。

5.2 nmTeam Service 及下属服务自身在平台上制作、发布、传播的信息内容(包括文字、图片、网页版式设计、网站栏目等),以及 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网站的专有内容、原创内容和其他通过授权取得的独占或独家内容,其版权归 nmTeam Service 及下属服务所有,非经 nmTeam Service 及下属服务许可,任何用户或者第三方不得复制、修改或者转载该内容,或者将其用于任何商业目的。

5.3 nmTeam Service 及下属服务为提供网络服务而使用的任何软件(包括但不限于软件中所含的任何图像、照片、动画、录像、录音、音乐、文字和附加程序、随附的帮助材料)的一切权利均属于该软件的著作权人,未经该软件的著作权人许可,用户不得对该软件进行反向工程(reverse engineer)、反向编译(decompile)或反汇编(disassemble)。

6. 隐私保护

6.1 关于 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的隐私保护政策,请参见《nmTeam Service 及下属服务隐私政策》。

7. 免责声明

7.1 用户同意,其使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网络服务所存在的风险将完全由其自己承担;因其使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务络服务而产生的一切后果也由其自己承担, nmTeam Service 及下属服务对用户不承担任何责任。

7.2 由于用户需求的多样化, nmTeam Service 及下属服务无法担保其提供的网络服务一定能满足用户的要求。 nmTeam Service 及下属服务亦无法对网络服务的及时性、安全性和准确性作出保证或承诺。

7.3 nmTeam Service 及下属服务不保证为用户便利而设置的外部链接的准确性、完整性和可读性,同时,对于该等外部链接指向的不由 nmTeam Service 及下属服务实际控制的任何网页上的内容, nmTeam Service 及下属服务不承担任何责任。

7.4 对于因不可抗力或 nmTeam Service 及下属服务不能控制的原因造成的网络服务中断或其它缺陷, nmTeam Service 及下属服务不承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响。

7.5 用户同意,对于 nmTeam Service 及下属服务向用户提供的下列产品或者服务的质量缺陷本身及其引发的任何损失, nmTeam Service 及下属服务无需承担任何责任:

7.5.1 nmTeam Service 及下属服务向用户免费提供的各项网络服务;

7.5.2 nmTeam Service 及下属服务向用户赠送的任何产品或者服务;

8. 违约赔偿

8.1 用户同意保障和维护 nmTeam Service 及下属服务及其他用户的利益,如因用户违反有关法律、法规或本协议项下的任何条款而给 nmTeam Service 及下属服务或任何其他第三方造成损失,用户同意承担由此造成的损害赔偿责任。

9. 协议修改

9.1 nmTeam Service 及下属服务有权随时修改本协议的任何条款,一旦本协议的内容发生变动, nmTeam Service 及下属服务将会直接在 nmTeam Service 及下属服务网站上公布修改之后的协议内容,该公布行为视为 nmTeam Service 及下属服务已经通知用户修改内容。 nmTeam Service 及下属服务也可通过其他适当方式向用户提示修改内容。

9.2 如果不同意 nmTeam Service 及下属服务对本协议相关条款所做的修改,用户有权停止使用 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的网络服务。如果用户继续使用网络服务,则视为用户接受 nmTeam Website 及下属服务对本协议相关条款所做的修改。

10. 通知送达

10.1 本协议项下 nmTeam Service 及下属服务对于用户所有的通知均可通过网页公告、站内信、电子邮件、手机短信或常规的信件传送等方式进行;该等通知于发送之日视为已送达收件人。

10.2 用户对于 nmTeam Service 及下属服务的通知应当通过 nmTeam Service 及下属服务对外正式公布的通信地址、传真号码、电子邮件地址等联系信息进行送达。

11. 法律管辖

11.1 本协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。

11.2 如双方就本协议内容或其执行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向 nmTeam Service 及下属服务所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

12. 其他约定

12.1 如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍有效并且有约束力。

12.2 本协议中的标题仅为方便而设,不代表对本协议文本的解释。

1. General terms

1.1 nmTeam Service And its affiliated services agree to provide Internet-based and mobile network-related services (hereinafter referred to as "network services") in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and operating rules issued from time to time. In order to obtain network services, the service user (hereinafter referred to as "user") shall Agree to all the terms of this agreement and follow the prompts on the page to complete all the registration procedures. Once the user uses Related services of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services, or the user clicks the "register now" button during the registration process, which means that the user fully understands and accepts all the terms under this agreement.

1.2 When users use the various functions of nmTeam Service and its subordinate service platforms, users should abide by the guidelines and rules related to the function published by nmTeam Service and its subordinate services. All the aforementioned guidelines and rules constitute part of this use agreement.

1.3 The user account and password shall be kept by the user, and the user shall bear legal responsibility for all activities and events conducted with his user account.

2. Service content

2.1 nmTeam Service and its affiliated services are designed to show users some excellent articles, etc. The specific content of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services is provided by nmTeam Service And subordinate services are provided based on actual conditions, including but not limited to providing articles, pictures, videos, links, forums and other network services.

2.2 The user understands and agrees that nmTeam Service and its affiliated services can adjust the service content, service types and service forms on the network platform at any time according to the actual situation. Regarding the negative impact or loss caused by the platform adjustment to the user or any third party, nmTeam Website and its affiliated services do not assume any responsibility.

2.3 User understanding, nmTeam Service And its affiliated services only provide related network services, in addition to related network services related equipment (such as personal computers, mobile phones, and other devices related to access to the Internet or mobile network) and the required fees (such as access The telephone fee and Internet fee paid for accessing the Internet, and the mobile phone fee paid for using the mobile network) shall be borne by the user.

3. Service change, interruption or termination

3.1 In view of the particularity of the network service, the user agrees that nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the network services at any time. With regard to the aforementioned changes, interruptions or terminations, nmTeam Service And the affiliated services do not need to notify users, nor do they need to bear any responsibility to any user or any third party.

3.2 ​​Users understand that nmTeam Service and its affiliated services need to regularly or irregularly overhaul or maintain the platforms that provide network services (such as Internet websites, mobile networks, etc.) or related equipment, such as network caused by such circumstances Service interruption within a reasonable time, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services do not need to bear any responsibility for this, but nmTeam Service and its affiliated services should be notified in advance as much as possible.

3.3 In the event of any of the following situations, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to suspend or terminate the provision of network services under this agreement to specific users at any time without any responsibility for the user or any third party:

3.3.1 The personal information provided by the user is not true;

3.3.2 The user violates this agreement or the user violates the usage rules of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services;

3.4 If the user’s registered free network service account is not actually used for any consecutive 90 days, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to delete the account and stop providing relevant network services to the user.

3.5 If the user’s account nickname or personalized domain name registered on nmTeam Service and its affiliated services violates the requirements of laws, regulations or national policies, or infringes on the legal rights or prior rights of any third party, nmTeam Service And the subordinate services will modify the account nickname or personalized domain name. If the user does not agree to the modification, nmTeam Service and its subordinate services have the right to take back the account nickname or personalized domain name.

4. Rules of use

4.1 When applying for the use of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services, users should provide accurate personal information to nmTeam Service and its affiliated services. If there is any change in personal information, the user should update it in time.

4.2 Users should not transfer or lend their account numbers and passwords to others for use. If users find that their account has been illegally used by others, they should immediately notify nmTeam Service and its affiliated services. The account and password are illegally used by others due to viruses, hacking or user negligence, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services do not assume any responsibility.

4.3 The user agrees that nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to place commercial advertisements or any other types of commercial information in various ways in the process of providing network services (including but not limited to nmTeam Service And placing advertisements on any page of the affiliated service website).

4.4 nmTeam Service and its affiliated services encourage users to make full use of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service platforms to post and share their own information. Users can post from nmTeam Service Contents such as pictures and text copied from personal homepages of affiliated services or other websites, but these contents must be in the public domain, or the users themselves have the legal right to use these contents. Users report to nmTeam Service And the content uploaded, displayed or disseminated on the subordinate service platforms shall bear all legal responsibilities. Without the permission of the copyright owner, users are not allowed to post any copyrighted content on nmTeam Service and its subordinate service platforms. The user’s creation and the nmTeam Service The legal content published on its affiliated services and its affiliated services enjoy copyright and related rights in accordance with the law.

4.5 For any content uploaded by the user to nmTeam Service and its affiliated service platforms, the user grants nmTeam Service And its affiliated services have free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license and sublicense rights worldwide for use, reproduction, modification, adaptation, publication, translation, creation of derivative works, dissemination, and Perform and display such content (in whole or in part), and/or incorporate such content into any other form of work, media or technology currently known or developed in the future. Any other users or websites that need to reprint the work must obtain authorization from the original author.

4.6 Users understand that the information on nmTeam Service and its affiliated services may have risks and defects.

4.7 When using nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services, users must follow the following principles:

4.7.1 Comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations;

4.7.2 Comply with all network protocols, regulations and procedures related to network services;

4.7.3 Do not use nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services for any illegal purpose;

4.7.4 Do not use nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services in any form to infringe anyone's commercial interests, including but not limited to publishing commercial advertisements that are not permitted by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services;

4.7.5 Do not use nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services to conduct any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet or mobile network;

4.7.6 Do not use the network services provided by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services to upload, display or spread any false, harassing, slanderous, abusive, intimidating, vulgar, obscene, violent or other Any information that violates national laws and regulations;

4.7.7 shall not infringe any third party's patent, copyright, trademark, reputation, privacy or any other legal rights;

4.7.8 Do not use nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network service system to conduct any behavior that is detrimental to nmTeam Service and its affiliated services;

4.7.9 In any case, any information uploaded by users to nmTeam Service and its affiliated services shall not violate the provisions of laws and regulations, or infringe the prior rights or other legal rights of any third party.

4.8 nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to review and supervise the user’s use of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services (including but not limited to And the content of its affiliated services), if the user violates any of the above regulations when using the network service, nmTeam Service And its affiliated services or their authorized persons have the right to require users to correct or directly take all necessary measures (including but not limited to changing or deleting user’s posted content, suspending or terminating the user’s right to use network services) to mitigate user’s improper behavior The impact.

4.9 nmTeam Service and its subordinate services are for certain specific nmTeam Service Any statements, notices, warnings and other content made through various methods (including but not limited to web announcements, site messages, emails, SMS reminders, etc.) made by the use of network services and its affiliated services shall be regarded as part of this agreement. If the user uses Such nmTeam Service And the subordinate service network service, it is deemed that the user agrees to the content of these statements, notices, and warnings.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 nmTeam Service Any text, pictures, graphics, audio and/or video materials contained in the network services provided by the affiliated services are protected by copyright, trademark and/or other property ownership laws. Without the consent of the relevant right holder, the above-mentioned materials shall not be directly or indirectly published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed for broadcast or publication purposes, or used for any other commercial purposes. All these materials or any part of the materials can only be stored in a computer for private and non-commercial purposes. nmTeam Service and its affiliated services shall not be liable to the user or any third party for any delays, inaccuracies, errors and omissions arising from the above-mentioned information or in the process of transmitting or submitting all or part of the above-mentioned information, or any losses arising therefrom.

5.2 The information content (including text, pictures, web page layout design, website columns, etc.) produced, published, and disseminated on the platform by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services, and nmTeam Website The copyright of the proprietary content, original content and other exclusive or exclusive content obtained through authorization of the affiliated service website belongs to nmTeam Service and its affiliated services, and is not authorized by nmTeam Service With the permission of its affiliated services, no user or third party may copy, modify or reprint the content, or use it for any commercial purpose.

5.3 nmTeam Service And any software used by its affiliated services to provide network services (including but not limited to any images, photos, animations, videos, sound recordings, music, text and additional programs, and accompanying help materials contained in the software) Belonging to the copyright owner of the software, without the permission of the copyright owner of the software, the user shall not reverse engineer the software (reverse engineering) engineer), decompile or disassemble.

6. Privacy protection

6.1 For the privacy protection policy of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services, please refer to the "Privacy Policy of nmTeam Service and Its Affiliated Services".

7. Disclaimer

7.1 The user agrees that the risks in its use of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services will be entirely borne by itself; all consequences arising from its use of nmTeam Service and its affiliated service network services shall also be borne by itself. nmTeam Service And its affiliated services do not bear any responsibility to users.

7.2 Due to the diversification of user needs, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services cannot guarantee that the network services they provide will certainly meet user requirements. nmTeam Service And its affiliated services cannot guarantee or promise the timeliness, safety and accuracy of network services.

7.3 nmTeam Service and its affiliated services do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and readability of external links set up for the convenience of users. At the same time, for any such external links that are not actually controlled by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services The content on the page, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services do not assume any responsibility.

7.4 For network service interruption or other defects caused by force majeure or reasons beyond the control of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services shall not bear any responsibility, but will try to reduce the resulting damage to users Loss and impact.

7.5 The user agrees that nmTeam Service and its affiliated services shall not bear any responsibility for the quality defects of the following products or services provided to users by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services and any losses caused by them:

7.5.1 Various network services provided by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services to users free of charge;

7.5.2 Any products or services presented to users by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services;

8. Compensation for breach of contract

8.1 The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services and other users. If the user violates relevant laws, regulations or any terms under this agreement, it will be given to nmTeam Service The user agrees to be liable for damages caused by any loss caused by its affiliated services or any other third party.

9. Agreement modification

9.1 nmTeam Service and its affiliated services have the right to modify any terms of this agreement at any time. Once the content of this agreement is changed, nmTeam Service and its affiliated services will be directly posted on nmTeam Service. If the content of the revised agreement is published on the website of the affiliated service and the affiliated service website, the announcement shall be deemed that nmTeam Service and the affiliated service have notified the user of the revised content. The nmTeam Service and its affiliated services may also prompt users to modify the content through other appropriate methods.

9.2 If you do not agree to the amendments made by nmTeam Service and its affiliated services to the relevant terms of this agreement, the user has the right to stop using the network services of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services. If the user continues to use the network service, it is deemed that the user accepts nmTeam Modifications made by Website and its affiliated services to the relevant terms of this agreement.

10. Notification delivery

10.1 All notifications to users from nmTeam Service and its affiliated services under this agreement can be made through web announcements, site letters, emails, mobile phone text messages or regular mail transmissions; such notifications are deemed to have been delivered on the day of sending recipient.

10.2 The user's notice to nmTeam Service and its affiliated services shall be delivered through the contact information such as the official communication address, fax number, and e-mail address of nmTeam Service and its affiliated services.

11. Legal jurisdiction

11.1 The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the conclusion, execution and interpretation of this agreement and the settlement of disputes.

11.2 If there is any dispute between the two parties regarding the content of this agreement or its implementation, the two parties shall try their best to resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party can bring a lawsuit to nmTeam Service and the people's court where the subordinate service is located.

12. Other conventions

12.1 If any clause in this agreement is completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining clauses in this agreement are still valid and binding.

12.2 The title in this agreement is for convenience only and does not represent an interpretation of the text of this agreement.

Page updated on: 03/03/2022
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